This picture describes perfectly how I feel every single day. Instead of, say, going to school, I would much rather be avoiding my responsibilities, stay curled up in bed with my computer and a thermos of tea (not a mug; I'm very accident-prone). Tea is my absolute favorite thing. It just makes you feel warm and happy and calm. If I could do this, I would do something boring like check my email first, and then probably watch a movie. I love watching movies whenever I can. I also love TV shows that are treated like movies. Whether it's an overarching theme throughout the season or just that every episode is so well-shot and edited that it feels like a movie, all of my favorite things to watch are movie-like. Sherlock is a very good example. Or I just watch "reality" TV that I really shouldn't enjoy but still really do. Like Project Runway.
I included the YouTube logo up there too because it is currently my favorite website. Not only can you find how-to's for just about everything out there, but you can also see all these really cool people that have inspired me to make my own videos and post them. I have a YouTube channel, and it makes me really happy to just make little movies with my friends and post them there, even if nobody watches them but me and the friends I featured. Without YouTube, there would never be an opportunity to do any of that, and I really appreciate the experiences I've had because of it. I realized that I really like making movies, and that's what I want to do, even if it's only on YouTube.
In this picture, there is the dragon Smaug coming out of the book The Hobbit. This picture means a lot to me, because not only does it show how much I love fantasy books, but also how much I love Lord of the Rings. My dad read the books to me when I was younger, and I have always loved the movies. I think that they couldn't have done a better job translating such epic books to the big screen. I'm not as happy about the new Hobbit movies because some things just seem a bit much, like the comic relief and the utter absurdity of a few of the sequences. But it does feature many of my favorite actors, and I am in no position to argue with that. This picture does also show how fantasy books can really come to life. This may sound weird, but fantasy books are always the ones that seem the most real to me. I like to be able to live in a world where a dragon could swoop across the sky or a pirate ship could sail in and do something exciting and pirate-y. At no harm to myself, of course. I am happiest when I am imagining myself somewhere else. Not because I don't like where I am, but because I can. And fantasy books help with that a lot.